Sunday, August 2, 2015

Painting A Quick Simple Still Life With Three Elements

This is the result of an at lesson with a student.  I sat in her kitchen and looked around and wanted to make the point that you can always find something to paint or draw no matter where you are.  So I randomly took things from her kitchen counter and she arranged them on her table.  There was a bottle of olive oil, one of vinegar and a tomato.  At first she had them all in a row but I said it is boring that way and she should have something in front of the other, so she moved the tomato in front of the vinegar.  We sketched it in and painted for about a half hour.

I love working with students they give me so much inspiration.

Oil, Vinegar, and Tomato painting. 
This was painted on a 6x9 piece of 140 lb practice paper. I used a scanner to capture the image and for some reason, it looks a little brighter than the original piece.

I do not normally use black but I wished I had a little touch of it in the shadows. I wish the tomato was better looking and a little more to the right. But I am happy with the piece.

(c) Adron

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