Monday, July 8, 2019

Painting Plein Aire in Ellicott City MD

The Paint it Ellicott City Plein Aire event is one of the most fun things I do all year.

It is not an understatement to say that I look forward to it all year long. This year I painted two pictures.

Below is a picture I did while standing on the sidewalk by the B and O Railroad Museum at the lower end of Ellicott City. I found a little nook just off the sidewalk where my easel would not be in anyone's way.  I started this picture on Friday and returned both Saturday and Sunday to work on it, which is unusual for a Plein Aire piece since most are completed in one afternoon. The reason for the long amount of time on this picture is the size, it is a little large since it measured 20x16. Also, since I was working in acrylic, I was slowed considerably by the medium drying on the palate because it was such a hot day.   

Working in the sun is difficult since your eyes will adjust to the brightness and then you mix your paint too dull. But this time I feel that my paintings turned out nicely. The street scene may have been too ambitious, but in the end, I accomplished what I want. I like how the scene leads up to the hills in the background.

As usual, all the artist who came by to look were nice and said encouraging things. The artist who participate in this event are a great group. I like how everyone looks out for each other.

My paintings were displayed on Monday at the reception at the Howard County Art Center.  I received many compliments and more encouragement.  Most of the artists offer their paintings for sale, and I often have a sale, but the sales were slow this year. I'll list my paintings at my Etsy store.

Plein Aire Painting of Street in front of the B and O Railroad Ellicott City, 2019
If you would like to see more views of this painting and learn about how to purchase it visit my Etsy Shop. CLICK HERE.

Thank you for stopping by.

© Adron 2019

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