Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Painting the Emmaus Road Mural Part 2

Since my last post I have had only two or three opportunities to work on the Emmaus Road Mural at South Columbia Baptist Church.  It is hard when you have a full time job, church comments and other responsibilities; but having begun I am determined to see it through no matter how long it takes.

Work on the clouds continues.  I want them to be colorful like sunset and full of motion like storm clouds.  I feel that I have to make the project with a lot of detail because that will cause people to linger and look at it and if they look long enough they will get the message of the project.   Even though I could have done a fast and simple rendition of clouds I am spending days giving them depth and beauty.

I am painting in latex wall paint and it is not an easy material to make art with.  I wanted to use watercolor technique on the clouds and build up layers of color so that it would look full and vibrant, but the paint dries too quickly for that approach; it is setting up in the cup before I get it on my brush.   I have tried keeping a bowl of water nearby so I can dip the brush in it and extend the paint. It seems to work and I am getting some of the effect of translucence that I wanted.

I have been going over the clouds to tone down some of the colors and lines.  I have done this with the thinned watery paint to allow the color below shows through a little, that way I have succeeded to get layers, and the watercolor effect I was hoping for.

My brush for this part was a liner, sometimes called a signature brush, I think it is a number 2; this is one of the smallest brushes on the market. This gets the detail I wanted.

So far I have spent over twenty hours on the clouds, and still feel that there is much more to be done.

The distant mountains were under-painted with a scrumble technique on a previous session.  I went back over them and added more muted hazy whites to give the effect of distance and to adjust the value.  I continue to be surprised at the nature of latex paint which dries darker than when it is applied.  Artist's oil paint and acrylic does not do this and watercolor usually becomes paler.  It is not a problem since I had planned to do several sessions with the mountains to get the effect of distant landscape, as well as the time of day- sunset.  For the mountains I continued to use a scrumbleing wet technique.

I began the next nearer range of mountains with a dark under-painting in brown, blue, and violet.  I will build up on this in the next session.

Progress on the Emmaus Road Mural distant mountains.

I invented a tool! I taped a paper cup to the top of the ladder and put the brushes in it so I would not have to go up and down every time I wanted a different brush.  Note the size of the brushes I am using. I do have bigger brushes but I really want to make this project honor God and be a blessing to others, so I am taking my time.

Low tech Paint Brush Holder for Painting Murals. 


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(c) Adron