Saturday, August 20, 2016

Painting a Large Mural at Church, A Progress Report, The Emmaus Road

Last Sunday after church I was able to spend extra time painting the mural in the fellowship hall at South Columbia Baptist Church.

I used sponge technique to give texture and shape to the rocks in the foreground by dabbing a wet sponge lightly into a tray of paint and gently touching the surface over and over. I found that if I wet a natural sponge and wrung it out well then it would work better than a dry one. I had to rotate the sponge to avoid repeating patterns. I had to go over each area for each color so I sponged colors on the rocks for about four and a half hours.

The challenge is to make the foreground more brilliant and darker than the distant background and middle ground or else the project will look flat and lack depth. I would never use black but this time, I made an exception, and used a little black mixed with blue for the deepest shadows on the rocks.

I was going to use the sponge on the road but was not getting the effect I wanted, so I switched to a fan brush to sweep in the first layer of soil on the road. The household latex paint is not very blendable when it is on a surface and seems to pull badly but I think it actually enhances the effect of a dirt road. I will need to come back and give a few more layers and details such as rocks and ruts.

I began the first layer of dark green for the foreground undergrowth. I used a 1-inch nylon brush and stroked the paint in with a zig-zag pattern. Since the paint did not have a stain block in it the appearance is modeled which is what I wanted. I will come back next week and continue to build in leaves with lighter paint for the individual leaves. I hope we have the look of many thick bushes.

Progress on the mural of the Emmaus Road, South Columbia Baptist MD

It was a good seven hour work day since I worked on it from 1230 to about 730 PM. If I can get another 30 or 40 hours on this I think it will be done. More or less.

(c) Adron

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