Saturday, October 22, 2016

Island In The Lake A Watercolor Painting

This is a nice little painting of a lake where there is an island with trees in the middle. This is a small painting about 8x10. On acid-free watercolor paper.

I originally did this as part of an art lesson that I was designing for some special students. It is not of any particular lake or island but is the blending of photos and my imagination.

I did the first step very watery so things would stay pale and distant, meaning the sky and background mountains. There is no middle ground only the mountains and the island; though technically one could call the zone between the mountains and the island a middle ground or call the island a middle ground and the water between the island and the bottom edge the foreground which is probably closer to the case on this picture.

The lake and island I did with a small brush and dry loaded with color.
I kept going over the island and the water before I was happy with it. I was very concerned that the background would have a much lighter value than the foreground. I wanted the island and trees to be distinct and darker than the background so it has a strong sense of distance.  I think it turned out very nicely.

I did a lot of blending with clear water and a soft brush to get the background mountains to look lighter and in the water to get a sense of ripples on a placid lake.

Watercolor painting of island with trees in the mountain lake

I still might touch it up a little before I put it in a frame. I expect to sell it for $100.00.


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(c) Adron