Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wild Lake MD Oil Painting Sanctuary Benches

This is a painting I did of the two benches at Wild Lake MD. This is a very peaceful place and I often see people sitting there admiring the view of the lake. This is the end of the lake that is a bird sanctuary, so I titled the painting Sanctuary Benches.

Oil Painting of  Sanctuary Benches Wild Lake Md

I started it on location one Saturday afternoon and after about three hours the light was changing too much, so I finished it at home. I spent another eight or ten hours on it. I did a lot with a pointillist approach, but not all of the painting is done that way. The background was "scrubbed in" thin and with minimum oil in the blend. I did several layers for the foreground one to get the values right and one to define the details. I might have overworked the project a little.

I was a little worried about the composition since there were lines like the vertical ones caused by the trees and the horizontal ones of the lake that would be considered bad form and poor structure. I think the path helps bring the picture together some since it leads in to the forward edge of the lake and the eye comes to the portrait of the benches which is the point of focus. I would have moved the benches to the point often called the "Golden Mean," but that would be contriving too much of the composition and taking away from the truth of the scene. My wife is always telling me my paintings must be honest, I tell her it is art and is all about interpretation and that if you wanted honest get a camera.

I sometimes feel like a parent who fusses with their child's hair before sending them off to school. I am very proud of this little painting.

I wish you could see this firsthand; the camera put some glare that muted the colors in the trees, they really are greener.


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(C) Adron Dozat